Coding Journal


This allows web developers to create ordered lists on their webpages. Lists can be used to create tables of contents, directions, etc. We have tags to differentiate between an unordered list <ul> and an ordered list <ol>. Additionally, we use the <li> tag to list the topics. Here's an example:

An unordered list:
  • Topic
  • Topic
  • Topic
  • Topic

This is the syntax for an unordered list:


An ordered list:
  1. First Topic
  2. Second Topic
  3. Third Topic
  4. Fourth Topic

This is the syntax for an ordered list:

  <li>First Topic</li>
  <li>Second Topic</li>
  <li>Third Topic</li>
  <li>Fourth Topic</li>


We can use tables to arrange information into columns and rows. They can be used to display data in a structured format. First, we should familiarize ourselves with some tags, such as <tr> (table row), <th> (table header), and <td> (table data). Now, let's see how they work. Here's an example:

Countries Data

Country Population Location
United States of America 336.803.770 North America
Venezuela 28,805,984 South America


World Population Review

To understand this table, <th> represents the headers: Country, Population, and Location. The table data is displayed within the <td> tags. The code for the table looks like this:

  <h2>Countries Data</h2>
    <td>United States of America</td>
    <td>North America</td>
    <td>South America</td>

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